We have been working for
about the past six weeks on a “Mid-Year Convention” for our Seminary and
Institute teachers and a “Seminary Super Saturday” for the Johannesburg stake
Seminary program. The last few weeks have been especially busy with
preparation. The events were planned for the same day, which worked really well
for transportation (which is always a major issue here) and for the combined
lunch and for a lot of reasons, but it gave us two, big separate events to plan
at the same time for the same day.
We did all that we could,
asked for support from the stake presidency and others and, of course, prayed
for assistance. The result was more than we could have hoped for. Almost all of
our teachers came along with a representative from their bishopric. The stake
president and his counselor who we work closely with gave excellent talks and
the other training that we planned went well also. The combined lunch was wild
and crazy with more than 100 people picking up the box lunches we had prepared
(also a lot of work) and eating outside picnic style.
We had almost as many
students for Super Saturday as we have students—I think even the ones who don’t
always make it to seminary thought the day sounded fun enough to make the
effort to be there. The event started with a game and then the students heard
counsel from their stake president. Following that, each of the seminary
classes presented a short skit they had prepared based on a Book of Mormon
account, but adapted for a modern day application. They were told that they
could use music, props or humor as long as it was respectful and they did a
great job. You would have had to be there to appreciate how funny and yet
meaningful each skit was.
After the skits, we gave the students some beautiful bookmarks that our daughter Amie had created for them, based on the first half of the scriptures that they should be learning during this course of study. They were also given a set for the second half, but those were uncolored and unfinished, which we explained, would will give them a chance to create their own bookmarks while trying to memorize the accompanying scripture. A set of inexpensive colored pencils was also given to them. Our coordinator, who is a newly called Area Seventy then spoke to them briefly and all went home fed, taught and happy. We went home unfed, tired but still happy that everything went so well.
After the skits, we gave the students some beautiful bookmarks that our daughter Amie had created for them, based on the first half of the scriptures that they should be learning during this course of study. They were also given a set for the second half, but those were uncolored and unfinished, which we explained, would will give them a chance to create their own bookmarks while trying to memorize the accompanying scripture. A set of inexpensive colored pencils was also given to them. Our coordinator, who is a newly called Area Seventy then spoke to them briefly and all went home fed, taught and happy. We went home unfed, tired but still happy that everything went so well.
I'm so glad it turned out so well!! Looks like everyone was having so much fun!