Friday, August 1, 2014

Institute Choir Practicing for Broadcast

Once every six months, there is a meeting called "Evening With a General Authority" sponsored by the Church Education System and broadcast to all of the seminary and institute programs throughout the world. They usually feature a choir of institute students or seminary students from somewhere in the world and this time they asked students from the Soweto and Florida Stakes in South Africa to prepare a number that would be taped and then later broadcast. We took this video of the students on the day that they were being broadcast. The one is just a phone video of one of the practices--you can see the kids get a false start on their movement. The professional people were having the students do several takes so that they could piece them together to get a good video. They asked the students to dress in clothing that represents their nationality which here could be any one of a number of tribes so you can see a variety of interpretations.


  1. Very fun! I wish we danced in our choirs!

  2. Great video - you should post it on YouTube and Facebook so all could enjoy it!
